Please Note this page is still under construction.  The table is complete, but the descriptions are not.

Expanded Random Events Table

        This document takes the original random events table from page 40 of the Birthright rulebook and expands it significantly. See below for the descriptions of each event.

Random Events Table:

1d100 Roll


1d100 Roll



 No event


Major Natural Disaster




Major Raid




Major Supernatural Event


Artifact/Relic Discovered


Matter of Justice


Assassination Attempt


Mercenary Unit Applicant


Astronomical Event


Minor Natural Disaster




Minor Raid


Blood Challenge


Minor Supernatural Event


Blood Donor


 Missing Caravan


Bumper Crops




Cataclysmic Natural Event


New Lieutenant Applicant




Noble/Important Birth




Pest Infestation


Crime Wave


Prison Break


Decline in Loyalty






 Random Gift


Diplomatic Incident








Economic Boom






Religious Unrest








Schedule Conflict


God Trouble


Shadow Rift


God's Blessings




Great Captain/Heresy


Sovereignty Challenge


Heroic Incident


Spy Discovered


Holding Contested




Holding Enhanced




Imperial Event


Trade Matter


Important Birthday


Trade Route Closed


Important Death




Important Kidnapping


Treasury Robbed


Important Wedding


Tribute Demanded


Increase in Loyalty


Tribute Received




Wandering Monster(s)








Witch Hunt


Investment Opportunity


GM's Choice


Labor Dispute


PC's Choice


Lieutenant's death


PC's Ultimate Decision


Major article Stolen



 Event Descriptions 

No Event

    This is a difficult concept: nothing happens during the Domain Turn.

Blood Challenge
    An NPC or awnshegh comes looking for the regent's bloodline.  The challenge may be an invitation to a duel, a provocative military action, or a stinging insult.  The GM must decide the nature of the challenge.  The resulting response may lead to an adventure for the regent.

Blood Donor

    This event does not involve the Red Cross.  The event involves an NPC (or PC if for some reason they are willing) wanting to voluntarily turn over their bloodline to the regent.  Most often times it is by an elderly noble who is getting ready to pass on and has no heirs.  Or it may be someone that the regent greatly impacted, perhaps the regent saved their life.  Whatever, the case the regent is invested with the donor's bloodline per the Investiture Domain action, without actually having to spend a Domain Action for the ceremony.

Schedule Conflict

    As a regent a PC's schedule can become quite chaotic at times. This event is one of those cases. It seems there are two major events on on a particular day.  Both of which are of equal importance.  It may be an important wedding and funeral, or perhaps the regent schedule a diplomatic summit, but forgot they were already committed to another affair of state.  The events should not be something minor that the regent could blow off or merely apologize.  Whatever the details, unless the PC is careful some one will most likely end up offended. 

Lieutenant's Death

    One of the PC's lieutenant's has passed away.  It may be the result of an assassination or simply due to disease or old age.  Whatever the motive the regent has lost a key advisor.  Additionally the PC may be prompted to spend 1d3 GBs for proper funeral arrangements and an honorarium for the lieutenant's family.

    Another realm has sent an ambassador to speak with the PC regent on matters of importance. The ambassador wishes to speak with the regent directly and will not deal with lieutenants.  If the PC does not meet with the ambassador soon, then it will likely result in trouble for the regent with the nation from which the ambassador originated. The ambassador could have been sent for any number of reason such as offering an alliance, demanding concessions, or just to ask for permission to move troops through the PCs territory.
This could also be an arrangement permanent Ambassador arriving from a NPC nation. The new ambassador will of course want a permanent place to stay (costing a 1d6 GBs Build action), and regular access to the PC regent to express his realms demands.

Crime Wave
    A much larger number of crimes than usual are being reported. These could be the result of general lawlessness in the province, a new thieves guild, or even a serial killer. If the regent does nothing about the problem then it results in a loss of 1d6 regency and may result in an loss of loyalty in the province.

Decline in Loyalty
    For some reason the loyalty in a single province drops.  Roll a 1d6, on a 1-5 the loyalty drops one grade; on a 6 the loyalty drops two grades.

Increase in Loyalty
    For some reason the loyalty in a single province suddenly increases.  Roll a 1d6, on a 1-5 the loyalty increases one grade; on a 6 the loyalty increases two grades.

Treasury Robbed

A thief (or band of thieves) has  broken into the realm's coffers.  Roll 1d6 x10 for the percentage of GBs stolen, round appropriately.  (i.e. A regent has a treasury of 37 GB. The roll is a 4; 40% or 15 GBs of the treasury was stolen!)  If the PC actively successfully seeks out the criminals (determine using Event Response Table) they may recover 1d4 x 10 percent of the original amount stolen, not to exceed the original amount stolen. (i.e. using the same example the regent dispatches troops and send a lieutenant in search of the missing funds.  A 3 is rolled; 30% of the original treasury or 11 GBs is recovered)

Spy Discovered.
    A spy has been discovered inside the regent's household. Someone has been sending important information to one of the PCs enemies. It may only be the one servant, or an entire ring of enemies spies may have been set up inside the regents household. Exposing the spy may or may not be the best course of action.  Some times indirectly providing the informant with false information is far more beneficial.
    This event can also be used if one of the PCs spies has been discovered in another nation. Either way it could lead to a diplomatic incident.

A random unit (or units) has suddenly become deserters.  They are simply removed from the regents payroll, they do not become brigands.  To replace Troops who desert must be mustered again per the normal rules. If the GM allows, the PC may attempt to research the motives of desertion.  If played properly the units may be added back to the realms military units without having to re-muster the troops.

Economic Boom
Trade in the realm has been particularly prosperous for the Domain Turn.  All Trade routes in the realm generate 1 extra GB for the Domain Turn.

Trade in the realm has been particularly low for the Domain Turn.  All Trade routes in the realm generate 1 extra GB for the Domain Turn.

A member of the PCs court, or treasury staff has either embezzled, or stolen outright a chunk of the treasury. The regent tax collection is lower by 1d3 GB each turn until the culprit is discovered.  If not dealt with quickly and quietly it could also lead to a loss of loyalty or reduction a regent's number of Law Holdings.

Major Natural Disaster.
This event covers all major natural disasters, including such things as flooding, forest fires, earthquakes, famine, etc. The disaster strikes an entire province, reducing its income by 1d6 GB for the turn. A relief effort, costing 1d3 GB is also required or the effected province will lose one population level from deaths.

A major festival is being conducted where the regents presence is required. This may be an annual event, or a special celebration held to honor the regent or a particular NPC. Although not as important as a noble wedding or funeral, the regent is expected to attend and will suffer a loss of loyalty if he doesn't turn up, or spend at least 1d3 GB on arrangements.



Heroic Incident


Prison Break


Wandering Monster(s)


Major Raid.
A large force of bandits or enemy troops has raided one of the regents provinces, stealing 1d6 GB from the regents holdings. This may be the beginning of a military campaign by a NPC nation, or just a one off event. Either way the regent is forced to take action either to punish the raiders or to give a show of strength or he will suffer a major loss of regency at the end of the turn. It is also possible that the raiding will continue until the PC takes actions, with similar effects each season.

An agitator in one of the regents major town or cites has stirred up trouble and started a series of riots against the regent. While not as serious as a rebellion it may grow into a full scale rebellion if the regent lets it drag on for too long. The rioting results in a drop in loyalty by one grade at the end of the turn, unless the regent takes action.

Diplomatic Incident.
Something the regent, or one of his lieutenants has done has offended one of the PCs neighbors. That nation is now demanded an apology, retribution, or land to settle the issue. The diplomatic incident may have been caused by an accidental crossing of the border by the PCs troops, a badly worded speech, an intrigue action by a third regent, or may just be an excuse for the NPC nation to declare war. If the PCs takes ignores the incident then he suffers a minor loss of regency in the adjustment phase.

Someone in the PCs lands has completed a new invention, spell, etc. The effects of this could vary from no effect at all to a possible new industry being formed. The GM can use this event to introduce anything new that is to be added to the campaign such as gunpowder, airships, steam engines, etc..

Random Gift

An important official or lieutenant working for the PC has been either murdered or assassinated. If the regent does not take action to find the killer then he suffers a major loss of regency, and a drop of loyalty in the province in the murder occurred.

Religious Unrest.
Again this covers a wide range of things. A local temple may be attempting to drive out all other religions with a campaign of harassment, or a new religion may have been formed. If the PC is a temple regent then this is an important occurrence and he must respond or suffer a loss of regency. If however he is a province (or other holding) ruler then it may not be of great importance and he may not even need to do anything. The required response is left up to the GM.

The regent has been invited to a tournament in another lands, and has either been asked to personally compete, or send a champion to represent his nation. He suffers no consequences if he decline the offer, but as other regents from the region are likely to be present it is a good opportunity for diplomacy.
It the PC chooses to attend then he will need to spend a character action. If he chooses to compete personally then the GM can create some opponents to battle. A tournament is not usually deadly, but assassins could be lurking around, or an accident could occur.

Noble/Important Birth.
A major noble family, or other important family in the PCs domain has recently been blessed with a birth. The PCs has been invited to attend a celebration in honor of the new child and is expected to come. The regent must spent 1d6 GB for gifts and arrangements. If he does not attend, or at the very least send a lieutenant with gifts then he will offend the noble family. This brings no immediate trouble, but may in the future. If the PC is a priest regent then he may be asked to conduct the naming ceremony or something similar. If the PC priest refuses then he will suffer a major loss of regency.

0: Prophet


Trade Matter
This covers all matters of trade that effect the PCs domain. Perhaps a new trade route has been opened to the PCs kingdom, or an old one closed down. If the PC is a thief regent then this indicates a major event, effecting one of his trade routes. Roll 1d6 and on a roll of 1-5 reduce the income of the trade route by 1d6 GB, while on a roll of 6, increase the income for this turn by 1d3 GB. Failure to respond to this event by a thief regent causes a major loss of regency during the adjustment phase of every turn the event is ignore, or even the closure of the trade route all together.

Great Captain/Heresy.
This is the same as the event described in the rulebook (pg. 43).

Matter of Justice.
This is as described in the rulebook (pg. 43).

Pest Infestation.
A plague of rats, locusts, frogs, mosquitos or other pests has infested one of the PCs provinces eating everything in sight. The tax collection of that province will be reduced by 1d4 GB until the problem is dealt with. It is up to the PC to come up with a good way of dealing with the pests. If he is successful with the first turn of the infestation then the loyalty of the effected province will rise by one grade. If however it is left unfixed for more than two turns then the PC suffers a minor loss of regency and the loyalty of the province decreases by one grade. The same effects will occur even turn following the second.

Important Death.
A powerful lord, important merchants, etc in the RPs kingdom, or domain, has died and the PC is expected to attend the funeral, and also bring 1d4 GB in gifts for the grieving relatives. Depending on the importance of the person a state funeral may also be called for. Failure to respond to this results in a minor loss of regency, and the PC has offended the dead persons family.






An intense fire has occurred in one of the largest cities of the realm.  Roll a 1d6 on a 1-4 the province is permanently reduced by 1 level.  On a 5 (or 6 w/o a Provincial City) the province is permanently reduced by 2 levels.  On a 6 a catastrophic  fire has struck the  Provincial City the city and it is permanently reduced by 3 levels! 

Major Article Stolen

This does not cover minor theft, but rather something major. Something important to the PC has been stolen, perhaps a magical items or piece of jewelry. If the PC does not respond then nothing occurs, he does not get the item back either. If the item stolen was the crown jewels (or similar) of the PCs kingdom then he must respond and recover the items or suffer a major loss of regency due to the loss of the symbols of his rule. Other effects could also come into play here as well depending on exactly how important the item was.


If the PC is a priest regent and he fails to respond to this action then his temple in  the province automatically loses 2 levels (0 level destroyed), and he suffers a major loss of regency. These effects continue until the PC takes action to set things right. 

If the PC owns any ships then one of them has been involved in a shipwreck, roll 1d4. On a roll of 1-3 then the ship has been swept against the rocks and totally destroyed, with the loss of 25-50% of the sailors, or troops who were on board at the time. If a 4 is rolled then Nesirie has been forgiving and the ship has only run aground on a sand bar and requires only 1d2 GB for repairs.
If the ship involved in the shipwreck was one on a trade route at the time then the trade routes income will be reduced for this turn by the amount the ship would have carried. It will return to normal next turn, assuming the PC can send another ship on the route.

Important Birthday

New Lieutenant Applicant


Minor Supernatural Event.
    This covers a minor "unexplainable event in the PCs lands. Perhaps the wizard is seeking employment in the PCs court of he may be a regent seeking to expand his source holdings into the PCs realm. If a magician then he may be a popular illusionists or even a major oracle who was come to seek either the PCs patronage or may be just passing through.
This event could also mean that an enemy wizard has begun an expansion into the PCs realm. Perhaps a new source holding has been created in one of the PCs provinces.

Minor Natural Disaster.
A minor natural disaster such as a blizzard, landslide, or minor flooding has hit one of the PCs provinces. Tax collection has been reduced by 1 GB and any road, bridge, or castle construction has been halted for this turn due to the problem. The problem will usually correct itself automatically by the end of the turn.

The description in the rulebook (pg. 42) covers this event.

  Artifact/Relic Discovered


Trade Route Closed


Assassination Attempt.
The description in the rulebook (pg. 40) covers this event.

Important Kidnapping.
A lieutenant, vassal, or important official of the PCs realm has been kidnapped and a ransom is being demanded. The ransom may be as small as a few GBs or the kidnappers may be demanding a holding or province be handed over. If the PC fails to respond at all then he suffers a major loss of regency and the victim is killed. If he gives in to the kidnappers demands, or the victim dies in a rescue attempt then he suffers a minor loss of regency. If however he is successful and
personally rescues the kidnapped lieutenant then he receives +1 bloodline pt and + 20 RP.



Holding Contested


Holding Enhanced


Bumper Crops.
Good condition in the kingdoms farms has led to an increase in tax collection (for province rulers), guild income, and temple collection (from grateful farmers) of 1d6 GB for the affected province.

Major Supernatural Event.
This covers a wide range of happenings, including duels between wizards and the like. If the PC is a source regent then this may indicates the discovery of a new ley-line that has been forged by an enemy regent, or an attempt by another wizard to claim the PCs holdings. Ignoring this event may cause a loss in regency

Sovereignty Challenge


Minor Raid
A small collection of bandits or monsters has raided a single province in the PCs kingdom (or holding if he controls no provinces). The problem will usually only be short term, but if the PC ignores it then he suffers a minor loss of regency due to his inaction. It is also possible that the minor problem may grow into a major raid if the PC takes no action as the raiders or monsters grow less cautious.

God Trouble
Perhaps the PC has offended God in someway, or the people of the realm have been filled with wickedness and sin.  This event will not occur for at least 1 domain turn after it is rolled.  On the round the event is rolled, a prophet will arrive to give the regent a chance to set things straight.  The results of ignoring the event evoke God's wrath on the realm.  This can include any type of judgment the GM feels is appropriate, but should generally be at least as powerful a
Cataclysmic Natural Event. Should the PC fail to correct the situation the PC suffers a major loss of regency. These effects continue until the PC takes action to set things right.  

God's Blessings

Again this covers many different things and can be used for bridge collapses, landslides destroying areas of a road or even the deaths of an army unit in a barracks fire or something like that. The lasting effects of this event depend on what the accident was. A collapse of a castle wall would lead to the reduction of the level of that castle, and a destroyed bridge must be rebuilt.
It is also possible that the accident was the results of sabotage by enemy agents. That is up to the GM though.

Use the description in the rulebook (pg. 42/43) for this event.

Important Wedding
This action is similar to the Important Death event. A wedding in a noble family, or other important family is to be conducted and the PC has been asked to attend. Gifts of 1d4 GB are expected. If the PC is a priest regent then he will have been asked to perform the ceremony and arrangements will cost 1d3 GB. Failure by the PC priest to do this will lead to a major loss of regency. Other regents will simply offend the noble family if they do not accept the invitation.

Tribute Demanded


Tribute Received


Missing Caravan


A war in another nation has led to a flood of refugees into the PCs kingdom, roll 1d12. On a roll of 1-9 the refugees are just passing through the PCs kingdom and will require 1d3 GB in food and supplies. The PC faces a minor loss of regency if he fails to provide the supplies. On a roll of 10-11 the refugees wish to remain in the PCs domain until the trouble in their homeland has died down. In this case it will cost 1d2 GB a turn for the PC to keep them supplied with food etc. In either case if he chooses not to help them and sends them on their way, then he suffers a minor loss of regency and possible loss of gold (due to theft). On a roll of 12 the refugees want to settle in the PCs kingdom, and a free rule action in that turn is automatically successful.
NOTE: The losses of regency only occur if the refugees are of the same ethnic group as the majority of the PCs citizens. There is no loss if Vos refugees travel to Brecht lands.

Shadow Rift.
Undead from the Shadow World are rampaging across the PCs lands. They may have either been summoned by an evil priest, or it may be a natural occurrence. If the PC allows this to continue then he suffers a major loss of regency each turn until the problem is solved. If the PC is responsible for the problem and this is discovered then he suffers a major loss of regency, and a drop in loyalty across his entire domain.

Some of the PCs followers, perhaps even and entire unit of soldiers has turned against him and gone over to the side of an enemy. The PC must respond to punish those who have committed treason or he will be shown up a weak ruler and suffer a minor loss of regency as well as drop in loyalty across the PCs realm.

Use the description in the rulebook (pg. 41) for this event.

Investment Opportunity


A horrible disease has broken out amongst the people of a province in the PCs kingdom. If now action is taken to cure the plague then the PC will suffer a major loss of regency, as well as drop of loyalty in the province. Also the plague will spread to an additional province each turn, with similar effects for each province if the PC ignores the effects.
The result of the plague on the people causes the province level to drop by 1 each turn the plague is left uncured. Finding a cure may result in special quest on the PCs part to find the cure.

Astronomical Event
A meteor shower, comet, or similar event leads to the discussion among the people of the PCs domain on the omens that it foretells. This may have little effect on the PC, but the oracle could just as easily decide that the meteor means that the PC is an unfit regent and should be replace. This event allows the GM to put in anything that he wishes.

Imperial Event
This should only occur in Anuire, and indicates an event relating to the entire Empire. Perhaps the Imperial Chamberlain is coming to visit the PCs kingdom, or maybe the Gorgon is invading again and the PC has been asked to contribute troops to help fend off the invasion. Even a meeting to consider someone for the position of Emperor could be occur.

Cataclysmic Natural Event
A great natural disaster has struck the PCs kingdom. This could be a major earthquake, volcano, hurricane or similar. The result of this is that 1d3 provinces produce no income this turn, and the PC must spend 1d4 GB on a relief effort for each effected province. Failure to respond to the disaster results in a loss of 1 level for each province effected as well as a major loss of regency.

Labor Dispute
A workers uprising or strike has stopped all construction or trade in a province for this turn. No building is done on any castles or other structures in the province or all trade routes have been closed down until the dispute in solved. If the PC ignores the problem it will continue with similar effects, and the PC will suffer a minor loss of regency.

Mercenary Unit Applicant


Witch Hunt


GM's Choice
GM picks an event from the list.

PC's Choice.

This is a chance for the PC to get involved in the GMing process.  If this event is rolled the PC can pick the event that occurs within their realm for this domain turn.  Any option in the list except Assassination, GM's Choice and PC's Ultimate Decision may be chosen.  The event chosen will most likely be one that is beneficial to the PC, but occasionally negative events can prove to be more beneficial in the long run.

PC's Ultimate Descision
If this event is rolled the PC can pick any event from the list (as per the PC's Choice event), but may also specify the location of the event.  The location chosen does not have to be within the border's of the PC's realm.  If the PC specifies a foreign realm for the event, "No Event" occurs within their own borders. 

For instance, the PC is the regent of Alamie and has been having excessive problem with Ghoere.  After rolling this event, the PC chooses Great Captain/Heresy to try to turn Ghoere's attention else where.   


Initially expanded by Ian Hoskins

Exceedingly expanded  By Lawgiver

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